Sept 25/24.
Strength: Dips/Pull-ups 10 min EMOM: Odd: 5 strict dips with 3 sec pause @bottom. Even: 5 strict pull-ups with a 3 sec pause chin above...
Sept 24/24.
Strength: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5. WOD: FT 50 DU’s 40 Wall Balls 30 Box Jump Overs 20 G2OH (95/135) 10 Burpee Pull-ups 20 G2OH (95/135) 30...
Sept 23/24.
Strength: Power Sn 2 reps > 10 min EMOM. WOD: 20 Rounds 2 Power Cleans (115/165) 3 HSPU 4 Box Jumps.
Sept 20/24.
Strength: Back Sq 2 reps - 10 min EMOM. WOD: 15 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15…. T2B DL (135/185) KBS (35/55).
Sept 19/24.
Strength: CORE 12 min EMOM: 45 sec Plank 45 sec FK 45 sec Slow mtn climbers 40 Twists. WOD: 4 Rounds 3 min AMRAP > 2 min rest between....